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"I knew nothing, and I persisted in the faith that the time of cruel miracles was not past."

— Stanislaw Lem, Solaris

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Thursday, February 17th, 2005

Occupied with record keeping for now... While searching a box of old papers, I discovered the image below. About twelve years ago, when I was a member of a writing group that met at the Dorothy Henry Library in McAfee, NJ, I found myself doodling as I listened to another member reading her story, and this was the result. What Jay Today likes best about this drawing is the instrument that the semi-aquatic critter is playing; the strings appear to be pulling the fret-like extrusion which I believe is hollow, and I imagine that this changes the resonant quality of the wind instrument. I think that the strings may also be controlling some flaps or constricting areas in the body...

Writing Group Alien

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